Since Sp2 for exchange 2003 all administrators have to manually download IMF updates from every second week. We would like to introduce these updates into Bigfix as part of the Enterprise Security fixlets.
The Enterprise Security site is specifically created for security updates only and this particular update is not security related.
We would be happy to help you create a Fixlet to update this weekly (should be pretty straight-forward), but we can’t offer it as part of our standard Patch Fixlet content at this time.
“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Updates\Exchange Server 2003\SP3” that contains the version number you are looking for. So your relevance for the Fixlet might look something like this:
exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Updates\Exchange Server 2003\SP3” of registry AND value “whatever” of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Updates\Exchange Server 2003\SP3” of registry as integer < 42
In my relevance example, I don’t know the value name and I am assuming that version is a standard integer (it might look more like a version number, in which case you would cast it “as version” and then compare it to a version number like: … as version < " … or something like that.
I can’t seem to find the download to actually perform this update so I can’t help you with the exact file name or options, but hopefully those are straight-forward.