Error to log into consle

I am traying to log into the consle but I got error.
can someone help me?

error massage:
connection to server could not be completed.diagonostic message:file error "class filemover error"on
windows error0x5 access is denied.

I try to delete the path but it didn’t help
hope someone can help me.
thanks mike

Try to delete the whole ngvbfap01 folder.

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didn’t work ://///////

Are you an Admin?

It could be that you need to be Admin or SYSTEM to delete it, but that shouldn’t be the case for something in the user folder.

It could be that something is open and has a lock on a file. You could try to figure out what, or you could try rebooting and then deleting the folder and see if that works.

I am the admin I will try to do restart and then I will try to delete

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everyone thank you and sorry the antivruis checkpoint stuck it, I removed it and after it works.


AV is definitely something to check as well, but wouldn’t be my first guess.