Elements ob baseline

(imported topic written by var91)

hi @all;

I want to see all Fixlets in a Baseline, with the name and the state for a single computer:

My code:

(node value of attribute “Name” of it )of child nodes of child nodes of child nodes of xml document of (components xmls of bes fixlets whose (name of it starts with “Base_Default: TESTBASELINE”))


Deploy Tivoli Remote Control Target for Windows

Create Base_Default-start.trg

TRC Settings Task - Windows 7

Download Speed Disable

Ist it possible to get the this in order by the same as in hte baseline in the bigfix console and with the state of one computer?

Thanks andi

(imported comment written by var91)


can anyone help me???


(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

I am not sure what format and what data you need for the report, but here is an example statement using the following construct to return BES Fixlet Results

result <( bes fixlet, bes computer )>: bes fixlet result

name of fixlet of it,
name of computer of it,
relevant flag of it
) of results
source fixlets of components of component groups of bes fixlets whose (baseline flag of it and name of it starts with “Base_Default: TESTBASELINE”),
bes computers whose (name of it = “COMPUTER_NAME”)

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Also please see this Web Reports on baseline.


Lee Wei

(imported comment written by var91)

Thanks Lee Wei…

Ok I get the back each fixlet with relavant true or false.

Is it possible to get the fixlet with the action state (running/fixed or so on) back.

The same as in the link you postet before?


Because we have our one Admin Portal and we want to show it there for our admins.



(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

This would be different, because the action states come from having taken actions against the baselines.

The one above is for Fixlet and not Actions.