E-mail forwarding

(imported topic written by BetFix91)

Guys. I’m trying to determine which corporate mail accounts are forwarding every mail recieved to another address. There is a setting in Outlook to enable this but I can’t find a way to measure it. there must be a setting in the registry I can exploit. Any thoughts on how to achieve this?



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Betfix,

You might run some tests with regmon and see if you can tell if the info is updated in the registry and if it is, we can probably help you extract it…

It is possible that this information is stored in the .pst or .ost files, which are huge files in a proprietary format that would make them very hard to inspect…


(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

It’s not a BigFix-centric solution but you may want to check out this bit of help:
