DSA with SQL Authentication

(imported topic written by petasek91)

Hi all,

please, help me. I am trying to start DSA architecture between two servers and still without any success… :frowning:

I have two SQL Servers 2008 Express on MS Win Server 2003 installed. According to TEM_Admin_Guide_81 I have create a db user, register values, have restarted FillDB,…

During installation process on the second server I fill db connection to the master server, again create the (same) db user for replica db, reg values, restart FillDB…

From Administration Tool on the second server I can see in the Last Replication Status column this text:

"Database Error: The action site has not been created. -

date & time here


and also info that the “connection broken”…

Can you help me where I did some mistake? Where are the logs from that connection process, etc. ?



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Petas,

You might need some specific troubleshooting… You should probably contact support.



(imported comment written by petasek91)

Hi Ben,

I found my error. It was misconfiguration on the database side…

But please, could you explain me more deeply how does the DSA work? I read Admin guide, etc… but I did not find more details about it. Does it work more on TEM level or on db level, how, who, when, why… ?



(imported comment written by petasek91)

repair… I was able to start DSA with SQL Server 2005 Express, but I am not able to do this with SQL Server 2008 Express. Sorry, I have a lot of test images…

I have created new thread with my SQL Server 2008 problem (http://forum.bigfix.com/viewtopic.php?id=7679).

But I am still interested in how DSA exactly works…



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Is this information helpful?



(imported comment written by petasek91)

Hi Ben,

sure! I have read this as well as the Admin guide pdf…

But there is nothing about how it works (not so much). Is the synchronization based on the SQL server processes, or TEM server services do the big part of the job - let’s say FillDB service (I hope I partially know what is done by this process but I don’t know its exact role during replication)…? During the installation, is the replication between that databases set up (on the database level) or are there only two (three,…) instances of databases and all the work is done by TEM servers?

Are there some detailed instructions like here about network traffic?


and please, tell me… Which information is more up to date because on the wiki site you sent there is no info in requirements about support of SQL Server 2008 (there are mentioned only version 2000 and 2005)? In Admin guide which seems to be from 28.2.2011 there is nothing about requirements…



(imported comment written by petasek91)

Hi Ben,

SQL Server 2008 is supported as well as for DSA, sorry for my question regarding requirements - finally, now I am able to set up DSA with SQL Server 2008 (it was bad configuration on the database side).

But my question regarding the deeply information about DSA is still valid, also for the others :slight_smile:



(imported comment written by ravi2000)


Can you share me what are the database configuration you done on TEM, bcz i am also facing the same issue replication is not happening from my side also .

Action site not created …

Connection broken…

You can share any info to my mail id : ravikiranu2000@gmail.com.

(imported comment written by ravi2000)

Hi All,

MY issue is resolved , I have made few changes in database configuration side ,it’s working fine now.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi i am facing the similar issue, please help.

my mail id: vidyasagarmram@hotmail.com

(imported comment written by ravi2000)


I have replied solution to your mail id :slight_smile:

(imported comment written by Niraj Kumar Mishra)

Hi All,

I am facing the same issue. Can you please help me regarding the same. Please share the changes that you had done on databases side.

My email id: nirajmishra20feb@gmail.com

Thanks a lot in advance.



(imported comment written by castillo0218)

I’m facing the same issue. Do you still have the fix you did for you deployment handy? My email is jcastillo@concho.com.

Thanks in advance


(imported comment written by castillo0218)

I’m facing the same issue. Do you still have the fix you did for you deployment handy? My email is jcastillo@concho.com.

Thanks in advance


(imported comment written by castillo0218)

I’m facing the same issue. Do you still have the fix you did for you deployment handy? My email is jcastillo@concho.com.

Thanks in advance


(imported comment written by ToshikiMatsui)

Hi Josh,

I suppose to have seen this before…

As far as my memories (but I’m not confident with it) in my case just the Windows authentication was enabled and then the DSA failed to connect with each other by the SQL Server authentication.

If you’d like to use the SQL Server authentication, make sure to have SQL server installed with the mixed mode.


Hope that helps…


3 posts were split to a new topic: DSA with SQL Authentication issues