Recently I’ve been tasked with updating and pushing out a Windows 10 64 bit image to Dell Latitude 5580 laptops. Following the steps laid out here BigFix Driver Binding I’ve been unsuccessful in having it install all of the drivers.
Process is as follows on BigFix v.
-Download 5580 Windows 10 64-bit CAB file from Dell
-BigFix > Systems Lifecycle > OS Deployment and Bare Metal Imaging > Manage Images and Drivers > Driver Library
-Import Drivers > select unzipped cab folder > windows 10, WinPE 10 > Import PCI drivers only
-Select all drivers > Next
-Label it 5580 > Select Latitude 5580 Model > Ok
-Go to Bindings > Select the Windows 10 wim file > select 5580 computer model > Generate Binding Grid
-Check Drivers to see if there are any issues, which there are none reported
After this, I pushed out an image to a 5580 via PXE which was successful. However, the 5580 is missing 17 drivers, most of which are PCI based:
(The left is what shows up in Device Manager, the right is what I found them to be after troubleshooting)
3d video controller - nvidia geforce 940mx
broadcom ush - dell controlvault w/o fingerprint sensor
pci data acquisition and signal processing controller - intel® 100 series/c230 series chipset family thermal subsystem - a131
pci data acquisition and signal processing controller - intel® dynamic platform and thermal framework processor participant
pci device - realtek pcie cardreader
pci memory controller - intel® 100 series/c230 series chipset family pmc - a121
pci serial port - intel® active management technology - sol
pci simple communications controller - intel® management engine interface
sm bus controller - intel® 100 series/c230 series chipset family smbus - a123
unknown device - intel® dynamic platform and thermal framework manager
unknown device - intel® dynamic platform and thermal framework generic participant
unknown device - intel® dynamic platform and thermal framework generic participant
unknown device - intel® wireless bluetooth
unknown device - intel® dynamic platform and thermal framework generic participant
unknown device - intel® dynamic platform and thermal framework generic participant
unknown device - intel® hid event filter
unknown device - STMicroelectronics 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer
I was able to get these installed if I “Update Driver” on each pointing towards the unzipped 5580 cab folder, but have been unsuccessful in getting the drivers to install via OSD.
After this, I manually bound the 50-some drivers to the wim image and tried deploying again. Again, no luck.
I’ve been doing a bunch of research and have checked the various other driver binding forum posts, but have been unsuccessful in resolving this. I’m not sure if there’s an issue in my methodology. I’m also not seeing an OSDeploymentBindingsGrid log as laid out in this post so I’m unable to troubleshoot that as well.