Don't Allow Postponement in Version 7

(imported topic written by edmund_quah91)


Some of our action criteria are as follow:

a) Set deadline at 6 hours

b) Don’t allow user to cancel and postponed.

So that the message will be popup for a specified duration when the user login. This is to irritate the user until they shutdown the PC.

With version 7, the postponement is built in, and this will break our procedure.

{Just consider that a non-patch PC, it is suppose to shutdown and patch ASAP. But with the postponement, they can still work like normal for 6 hours.}

Any way to don’t allow postponement in version 7?


Edmund Quah

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Here are some settings that you can change to get more 6.0-like behavior… (but note that we think that the behavior is 7+ is better for users):


Default = 1 (true)

Disables snooze button and snooze interval combo box that is a part of the Action Request Dialog (ARD).


Default = 0

Client setting to force UI to top at all times (default behavior is to force to the top only during the last 5 minutes of countdown).
