Need assistance grouping fixlets by date.
By which date? Source Release date?
Can you provide an example of some fixlets you are referring to? Screenshot?
What is the result you would like to see?
What do you mean by group them? Into a baseline component group? Or with a custom filter? or with Session relevance?
Please provide a lot more detail.
In bigfix console drill down to release date
able to run report on anything on the right side of the box (no problem)
how do i run a report on what shows up in bigfix console just under source release date when expanded to show all the dates?
i am not seeing a way to group this report by source release date
If there is a code somewhere or even an existing fixlets-grouped-by-releasedate.beswrpt i could import into webreports?
So you want the results of this WebReport to be grouped by source release date?
What is the name of this WebReport?
Can you explain what you want the final result to look like? I’m still a bit confused by that.
I really don’t know much about WebReports. It should be possible to make a custom report to do what you want, but I’m still not entirely clear on what that is.
Do you just want the results of patches? Not all BigFix content has a source release date.
would like to have a importable file into webreports with extension of .beswrpt looking something like: -
in the console we can see this…
how can i show this in webreports?
just the part under “By Source Release Date”
I’m still unclear.
So you want the number of fixlets and tasks that exist from a particular release date?
What are you going to do with this report?
This is how you get the raw data you are looking for:
(it, multiplicity of it) of unique values of source release dates of bes fixlets
This is slightly closer to what seems to be the final form you want:
(it as string & " " & ("("&it&")") of (it as string) of multiplicity of it) of unique values of source release dates of bes fixlets
The date needs turned into MM/DD/YYYY which is definitely possible to reform it to that.
If you just want to know something like, which items were released in the past 30 days, you would do something like this:
names of bes fixlets whose(source release date of it > current date - 30*day)
Thank you for this information, you are very knowledgeable
was able to use information just as your have provided where someone had asked for compliance by content / release date in this link
I appreciate the time you are taking to give me input.
Is it even possible to pull a web report showing just what is highlighted? I understand not all fixlets have a release date and that’s OK. Report should not be limited by days rather show only if applicable computer count is more than 0.
This information is already here in this view from the BES Console. I am trying to make this into a webreport importable file with extension FixletsGroupedByDate.beswrpt so it can be imported in any install of webreports.
Once again, thank you for your input
Used <?relevance (it as string & " " & ("("&it&")") of (it as string) of multiplicity of it) of unique values of source release dates of bes fixlets?>
in custom reports and got result just as promised… you are like a bigfix god.
is there a way to make this list capable of drilling down?
unable to drill down to each date to get additional data
i get this raw data without heading so cant sort it as needed
Thu, 08 May 2003 (1)
Mon, 12 May 2003 (1)
Wed, 05 Nov 2003 (1)
Sat, 10 Apr 2004 (1)
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 (2)
Wed, 26 Jul 2006 (1)
Wed, 15 Nov 2006 (5)
Fri, 08 Dec 2006 (2)
Thu, 04 Jan 2007 (1)
Wed, 23 May 2007 (1)
Thu, 25 Oct 2007 (2)
Fri, 26 Oct 2007 (1)
Sat, 03 May 2008 (1)
Thu, 15 May 2008 (1)
Mon, 09 Jun 2008 (1)
Tue, 02 Sep 2008 (2)
Thu, 09 Oct 2008 (1)
Mon, 24 Nov 2008 (1)