Display a message with API Create Action Request

What am I doing wrong here? Getting:
XML parsing error: element ‘HasRunningMessage’ is not allowed for content model

Here is my XML. I am just trying to add a Running Message. I have seen the documentation for a custom created action and that seems to work, but this is using an existing fixlet ID it does not work.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BES xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BES.xsd">


The order in which the elements appear must be correct. Check the BES.xsd for SourcedFixletAction…it looks like <Title> needs to be after <Settings>

I’m not sure but <RunningMessage> may also require a <Title>, and if so, it needs to come before Text.

Easiest thing is to manually create such an action, and then Export it from the console (though the Exported XML will lack the ‘Target’)

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I tried pulling the action and then adding the settings but not having much luck. Does the <SourcedFixletAction> support adding settings beyond Title? Is there a place I can review the schema?

the schema is available into the installation path as reported into the doc
On Windows systems: C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BigFix server\Reference
On RedHat Linux Enterprise version 5.0 or later: /opt/BESServer/reference