Disable BES Client UI

(imported topic written by jcsUTSW)

If I wanted to disable the bes client UI without using the bes console how would I do that?

The action in the bes console is this - setting “_BESClient_ActionManager_UIEnableMode”=“none”

I’ve got an issue where that client ui running keeps the IE temporary cache from clearing when a user closes IE. Some of our hospital apps are web based and the cache must be cleared on exit. I can run the task and disable it no problem for machines currently in my console…

I need a way of disabling this manually… So that when a machine is imaged or reimaged it does not have to wait for an action to be taken to be disabled.

Is there a config file that I can edit?


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey jcsUTSW,

You can change the setting manually… Alternately, if this were a fairly rare event, you could just kill the BESClientUI.exe application.


(imported comment written by jcsUTSW)

Ben Kus

Hey jcsUTSW,

You can change the setting manually… Alternately, if this were a fairly rare event, you could just kill the BESClientUI.exe application.


Where, how do you change that setting manually?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

You would change it in the registry where the client settings are stored: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\Settings\Client”
