Detect Account Status


Is there a way, with relevance, to check the status of a local user account on Windows? I’m looking to find whether it is enabled or disabled. Thanks

All local users:

(Name of it, account disabled flag of it) of local users

Specific user:

(Name of it, account disabled flag of it) of local users whose (name of it contains "Jason")

If I try the relevance to flag a specific user, administrator, no computers show up relevant. Even those that have administrator enabled as a test, when they shouldn’t aren’t there. Thanks

if you post the relevance you’re using then it would make it easier to try and help you

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Could case be an issue?

Q: (Name of it, account disabled flag of it) of local users whose (name of it as lowercase contains "administrator")
A: Administrator, True

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The relevance I am using is pretty simple.

Part 1: windows of operating system
Part 2: (Name of it, account disabled flag of it) of local users whose (name of it contains “administrator”)

I need the Windows computers that have the built-in administrator account enabled to be relevant. That’s what I am shooting for. Thanks

this should be it:

not exists local users whose( name of it as lowercase = "administrator" AND not account disabled flag of it )
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