Design feedback request for "Target by Properties"

Hey everyone - I’m working on design to allow Operator to “Target by Properties” on the WebUI. I would like to get your input. Please let me know if you’re interested.



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I think the target by properties stuff is great to demo but I almost always just use computer groups or individual computers for targeting – i really don’t ever target by property so in this regard I think the WebUI hits all my requirements :slight_smile:



@strawgate one “target by property” feature is to target everything - I’m not sure if the current WebUI interface allows that. Do you use that scenario?

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I may be unique in this regard but I do not target all computers ever.

I typically make computer groups like this (This is from a lab):

And target devices this way.

I also view WebUI as a junior operator tool and so I would be nervous to have that be the default option like it is in the thick console when you dynamically target.


@strawgate that is a very good concern. We did intend the initial WebUI release as a tool for more junior (in BigFix needs, if not in overall responsibilities) operators. Targeting by properties was intentionally left out because our customers let us know exactly what your impression was: targeting by property is not needed, and potentially harmful, for the targeted audience. The currently limited features in the deployment workflow are based on these types of conversations with a bunch of customers.

We knew that as we add functionality and target additional users we’d be adding not only targeting by properties but additional features. But we also realize that part of this will have to be limiting what specific users can see. Our intention is not that all operators currently have using the WebUI would all of a sudden have access to all new deployment options.