Deploying VBscript with Software Distrubution Wizard

(imported topic written by rsturtevant1981)

I am trying to create a custom task to deploy a vbscript using the software distribution wizard. Is there any way I can get this to work by selecing a vbscript as the package file? I found a few threads that suggested using cscript or wscript to execute the action, but I haven’t been able to find anything explaining this in more detail. I tried inserting “cscript” into the command line option, but the action fails. So I’m wondering if I’m missing the syntax. Thank you

(imported comment written by jdefilip)

Hi rsturtevant1981, you should be able to create a new package under “Mange Software Distribution” and add the vbscript and deploy it through a task. I have deployed batch files this way in the past.

(imported comment written by SergioBenavides)

just lay down your script to any location in the computer and run the following line in the “action script”

waithidden cscript.exe “c:\PATH_TO_YOUR_SCRIPT\MY_SCRIPT.vbs”