Deploy application - but require the IP of each server it’s deployed on

Hi I have a software package that I have to deploy. It’s straight forward with one exception.

When it is installing the application requires the IP of the server that it’s being installed on.

Does anyone know of a way to pull that and pass it to the install command? The install is a .exe and I’ve not seen anything that seems similar to this that I can use as a reference.

Can be tricky depending if server has multiple IP addresses. But you can put relevance language inside an action using brackets { to open and close }. Have to be careful in some instances if your install string contains a { in the install string to double up the brackets to {{, this will translate to a single bracket when converted on the client. If your server has multiple IP addresses may need to specify adapters in the relevance.
waithidden "c:\installme.exe " {address of adapters of network}
Command on the client
"c:\installme.exe "

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