Demote MO to non-MO user?

I found this thread: You cannot create a non-master operator with this name

Is this still the case? I still think I would like to create a suffixed MO account and demote our normal user accounts. Also we have someone moving teams so he doesn’t need MO any more.

bump :smiley:

Anyone have any ideas?

You can do this from the console - locate the user, Details tab, Permissions, Master Operator.

You will need to have some suitable role definitions set up so you can give these operators the access they need. Probably best to create the sufficed MO accounts first :slight_smile:

Agreed, but I didn’t know if there was any ramifications to unchecking the MO box for the user. The previous post sort of scared me to attempt it.

It shouldn’t affect anything except the user might wonder why they lost certain privileges.

I’ve done it (I hadn’t read the other thread, no nothing scared me beforehand and no unexpected messages).
Just needed to add the user to the role the rest of his new team were in, and all was well.

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