Custom Right-Click Options

I am running Bigfix I have a fixlet to create custom right-click options, but the options are not adding. The registry entry is not created. If I run the reg file manually, it adds the key. There is something about running under Bigfix. There is no error in the log file. It returns 0…

createfile until endoffile
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Connect to C$]
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"explorer \\\\\" & (value of property results whose (name of property of it = 
\"DNS Name\" ) of current computer as string) & \"\\c$\""
"MenuDisplayName"="&Connect to C$"

move __createfile rightclick.reg

override wait
wait cmd.exe /C regedit.exe /S rightclick.reg

delete rightclick.reg

action uses wow64 redirection false

No that didn’t make any difference.

I tried creating the registry entries using a reg file in the Manage Software Distribution Packages running as current user, and that didn’t work either. It completes without error, but does not add the reg keys.

I have been having issues with regedit.exe lately. try a reg import instead

createfile until endoffile
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Connect to C$]
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"explorer \\\\\" & (value of property results whose (name of property of it = \"DNS Name\" ) of current computer as string) & \"\\c$\""
"MenuDisplayName"="&Connect to C$"

delete rightclick.reg
move __createfile rightclick.reg

override wait
wait cmd.exe /C reg import rightclick.reg

delete rightclick.reg

Wow!!! Thank you so much. Reg worked really well. It does not cause UAC to popup either.

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