Custom Reports that simply makes an analysis results searchable

(imported topic written by NelsonEW)

I used to have this custom report that allows you to search through the applications installed property, however, it doesn’t seem to work any more. But my real questions is:

How do I create a custom report that allows you to search on a property retrieved by an analysis I have created.

Analysis returns data for all computers, but I want to make it simpler for the users that will be looking through the data. So I would like a custom report that simply says “Enter Computer name” you put in the computer name, and it returns the results of the property for that Computer only. How would I do this? Thanks in advance for any help.

(imported comment written by NelsonEW)

Also, I do not have access to the webreports servers to upload reports like the computer browser one, Any reports I do have to be in the custom reports section.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Does this help?
