Custom Property for getting IEM Aging Code (Software Usage Analyses)

Hi All ,

Can you please guide me in creating Analyses (IEM Aging Code) which will fetching the data as below

Your help will be highly appreciated

You can get the last scan date in an analysis property, and you can then technically check how many days since that time and report that in an analysis property, but it will never be accurate. You can do exactly this in a Web Report and it will work just fine.

The reason for this is how the “how many days since the last scan time” is calculated. If you do this in a Web Report, then the calculation is done server side and is always accurate unless a scan just occurred and the result of that hasn’t been reported by the endpoint yet.

If however you have a system that runs the SUA/Inventory scan today, and then it reports that it has scanned in the last 30 days, and then you turn it off and never turn it on again, then it will always show up in the console as having reported in the last 30 days because the endpoint will never wake up to report otherwise.

Thanks for your input
