Custom installer do not what it run silent

So i created a custom bat file that does the office quick repair. When i run it out side of tem i get the status and a complete prompt from ms 365. when i push the bat through IEM it run silent even with the /q /c removed from the call to cmd. what can i do to ensure that the office prompt stays visible as it does when the bat is ran normal.

What is the action script you are using?

You may need to run it with RunAsCurrentUser so that it is in the same context as the logged in user.

wait __Download\repair365.exe

was my frist attempt this was a custom .exe that runs a bat file that is.

officeclicktorun.exe scenario=Repair platform=x64 culture=en-us RepairType=QuickRepair DisplayLevel=True

wait __Download\officeclicktorun.exe scenario=Repair platform=x64 culture=en-us RepairType=QuickRepair DisplayLevel=True

the other was cmd repair.bat

all three run but with no status window.

Can you post the full script of the most recent attempt?

wait __Download\repair365.exe

is the current one the lines before that command are relate to our bes server.

BES Client runs as Local System, and for security reasons, is prevented from interacting directly with logged in users. You should look into using the RunAsCurrentUser functionality if you want/need user interactions.

that is what i was afraid of since running as a current user fails due to computer having UAC enabled.

So the main problem is that i wanted to run the repair silently however i want the user to know when the repair is complete. in IEM there is no post action message you can give it without the restart option.

Maybe have one line of the script execute the Office repair, then a separate command after that to use RunAsCurrentUser to display a completion message to the logged-on user? That could be something as simple as opening a text file with Notepad, or using an HTA document to display something more complex.

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What about the option for BigFix/IEM to display a message WHILE the action is running?

The agent can’t display anything due to how services work etc (security limitations)

The ClientUI possibly could but it would be a fairly major effort to get that plumbing hooked up

I believe @jgstew Is referring to the Action Option to display a message while the action is running.

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Yes, this is what I mean.

You can have BigFix display a dialog while the action is running. When it goes away, it is finished. Not sure if it also says something about it being finished.