(imported topic written by JesperLarsen)
I am creating Actions through the REST interface. An action could look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>SourceSite
test string in a parameter send to a fixlet
When I create an action like this in the Management Console, it is created in a sec. But when creating this through the REST API, I have to wait about 20 seconds before the rest request returns. I wondered about this and started a DB-trace on the DB server running the TEM db, and found that when doing the REST call, somewhere inside the TEM, it executes the following sql against the db:
select D.ID, D.Name, D.CreationTime, D.Fields from ACTION_DEFS D
inner join VERSIONS V on D.ID = V.ID and D.Version = V.LatestVersion
inner join ACTION_FLAGS AF on AF.ActionID = D.ID
where AF.IsDeleted != 1 and V.IsFixlet = 0
I my case, the result is over 230000 records returned to the TEM. After using the BESAuditTrailCleaner - tool I got ‘only’ about 75000 entries, but still, it takes about 15-20-ish seconds to return the records to the TEM from the DB with the above query, compared to the below 1 second in the management console. I find this… odd.
So, what is the above SQL used for, and how do I manage to either NOT fire it when posting a new Action, or get around it somehow?
DB ver isEnterprise 4.36,