Create fixlet on bigfix

Hi Guys,
I have a requirement for patching in bigfix.
Need to create a separate fixlet for pre report and post report.
Pre report needs to collect all system configurations and save it.
Post report also collect system configurations and save it but also it should compare the result of post report with pre report and display the output if any config is missing on post report.
Could you guys pls help on creating this fixlet or share any fixlet if you already using it.
Thanks in advance.

Does anybody can able to help on this.

@riswan66, we can assist you to a certain extent but for that you must have a working script, and we can assist or guide you in creating a fixlet based on it.

However, I recently captured the system configuration using below method, you can experiment and modify accordingly.

wait "{pathname of regapp "powershell.exe"}" systeminfo >> "C:\Windows\temp\info_bfx\systeminfo.log"

You can utilize the same method for post execution, however for matching codes, you need sync with your scripting specialist.

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What do you mean “System Configuration” and Patching?

Can you please give an example which information you are trying to gather and what do you believe may change after Patching

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Hi Khurava,
This is for RHEL machines.
Hi Orbiton,
For example some of our servers have dynamic route even though we strictly ask user to configure static route some still have dynamic routes.
So when we collect the pre report we have the configurations as backup.
And after patching and reboot the server if we run the post report, it needs to compare with pre report and display the missing configs or any discrepencies. Thanks.

Retrieving static routes is the last thing I would have thought about.
It sounds more like you need to either (1) create Fixlets to apply all of these specific configurations you need, so all the things can be recreated by applying the Fixlets, or (2) this use-case may be better served by some Backup & Restore software.

Hi Jason,
Yes this can created using the fixlets.
so looking for some help or some documents to create those fixlet for pre, post and comparison fixlet. Thanks.

You need to refine your requirement further. If you have a shell script that does what you want, we can help show you how to deploy it with BigFix. Otherwise I don’t know how to help you

Hi Jason,
Thank you for the suggestion.
Since we also new to the system, we just figuring any other option available on the bigfix to attain this requirement.
Currently we don’t have shell script as we trying to use the BigFix script possible. Thanks.

@riswan66 You need to explain it clearly with examples - The Information you are trying to track.

When you say "… Our servers have dynamic route even though we strictly ask user to configure static route … " - It’s not clear what you are trying to capture.

Please elaborate All of the Information you are trying to capture and compare and provide examples.

After that we can help with code :slight_smile:

Hi orbiton,
Let me brief on our requirement.

  1. Pre-patch to collect system configurations
    ip a
    netstat -rn
    systemctl list–units -t services
    Save to some file like pre-patch_report.txt
  2. Patch (this we will cover)
  3. Post-patch to collect system configurations
    Same like the pre-patch configurations
    ip a
    netstat -rn
    systemctl list-units -t services
    Save to some file like post-patch_report.txt
    And I need help here, I want to compare the both pre and post reports and display the difference or any discrepancies in the bigfix portal so that I don’t need to login all the servers to see the output and any discrepancies.
    Let me know if the above can be understandable. Thanks.