Convert string value to integer for comparison

how to convert string value to integer so that i can make some comparison with < or > values

q:preceding text of first “days” of (((maximum password age of security database) - (password age of users of logged on users)) as string))
A: 55
T: 0.033 ms

q: if (preceding text of first “days” of (((maximum password age of security database) - (password age of users of logged on users)) as string)) > 50) then “ok” else error “Pls check password”

q:if (preceding text of first “,” of (((maximum password age of security database) - (password age of users of logged on users)) as string)) is greater than “60 days” as string then “Password is good” else "password is about to expired"
A: password is about to expired
T: 0.038 ms

<string> as integer : integer
Returns an integer value for the string provided. If the string contains anything but ASCII digits, the conversion will fail. Use numeric value for more liberal parsing rules.


You can convert those “days” into integer with /day

q: (50*day)
A: 50 days
I: singular time interval

q: (50*day) /day
A: 50
I: singular integer