KB4514602 is just a wrapper. If you look at the child KBs wrapped by KB4514602 (which can be viewed by going to the KB article or clicking the Download button in your screenshot), they are just old .NET updates, some of which were included in the MS19-JUL release and others as part of the Preview rollups.
Like Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008 R2, old Windows Server 2008 SP .NET updates were re-wrapped under a new parent KB number (KB4514605) for September.
The team has reversed course in terms of re-labeling the older fixlets which contained the same exact updates as KB4514605/KB4514602 and have opted to create new fixlets for the re-rewrapped updates instead. This should help keep data fields like Source Release Date and Category more in line with what is defined by the new KB wrapper.
To date, KB4514602 and KB4514605 are still not included as part of Microsoft’s September security guide (Security Update Guide - Microsoft Security Response Center) and aren’t tied to any new CVEs.