Great, thanks @bma. Just as info, I’ve noticed the version info is a bit mixed up where is actually seen as via the version of regapp inspector. This does tie in with the same major and minor file version seem by the windows file properties.
Q: exists regapps "notepad++.exe" whose (not exists raw version of it)
A: True
T: 1.099 ms
I: singular boolean
Q: exists regapp "notepad++.exe" whose (version of it < "")
A: False
T: 0.998 ms
I: singular boolean
Q: version of regapp "notepad++.exe"
T: 0.978 ms
I: singular version
Q: product version of regapp "notepad++.exe"
T: 0.999 ms
I: singular version
Q: pathname of regapp "notepad++.exe"
A: C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
T: 0.934 ms
I: singular string
Q: version of file "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"
T: 0.238 ms
I: singular version
Q: regapp "notepad++.exe"
A: "notepad++.exe" "" "Notepad++ : a free (GNU) source code editor" "7.66" "Don HO"
T: 1.352 ms
I: singular application
Q: (value "FileDescription" of it, value "CompanyName" of it, value "FileVersion" of it, value "InternalName" of it, value "LegalCopyright" of it, value "OriginalFilename" of it, value "ProductName" of it, value "ProductVersion" of it) of version block 1 of regapp "notepad++.exe"
A: Notepad++ : a free (GNU) source code editor, Don HO, 7.66, npp.exe, Copyleft 1998-2016 by Don HO, Notepad++.exe, Notepad++, 7.66
T: 1.565 ms
I: singular ( string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string )