Computer with <not reported> properties

We are using Bigfix and most of the computer have computer name , id and other properties as not reported . I looked into the UDP communication in client logs and the communication was successful . I also did a force refresh of the client and still the properties are not updated.

BESAdmin is configured to run everyday and remove the expired computers older than 15 days.

Client Logs
At 10:39:43 -0600 -
ForceRefresh command received. Version difference, gathering action site.
At 10:39:44 -0600 - actionsite (http://xxxxx:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)
Downloaded ‘’ as '__TempUpdateFilename’
At 10:39:45 -0600 - actionsite (http://xxxx:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)
Gather::SyncSiteByFile merging files - count: 2
At 10:39:46 -0600 -
Successful Synchronization with site ‘actionsite’ (version 62739) - 'http://xxxx:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite
Gathering all operator/mailbox sites.
At 10:39:47 -0600 -
Successful Synchronization with site ‘mailboxsite’ (version 1) - 'http://xxx:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/mailboxsite12228536
Report posted successfully
At 10:39:47 -0600 - actionsite (http://xxxxxx:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)
Relevant - (fixlet:1757321)
At 10:39:47 -0600 -
Full Report posted successfully

At 09:24:13 -0600 -
GatherActionMV command received. Version up to date, gathering skipped.
At 09:25:31 -0600 -
ForceRefresh command received. Version difference, gathering action site.

Update : I even tried removing the client from the database . Even when it reported back the properties are notreported.
The Client Version is also

Found the issue : the analysis not executing on all the servers as the below relevance is evaluating to false, so not all the computers are getting applicable.

(if exists property “in proxy agent context” then ( not in proxy agent context ) else true)

Out of CURIOSITY do you have OSD or other module/plug in that would put data in the BigFix console? Check the “Agent Type” on these entries that show up, if they do not say “Native” then they are not coming from a running BigFix agent but something like OSD…which cause may not ever give you computer name…

I occasionally see that too where the client (<v9.5.4 in my case) where the client doesn’t report back all properties. I end up having to do a complete uninstall/cleanup/reinstall of the client.

The agent type is native.

It is very unlikely that this is the issue as a regular native agent cannot return true for in proxy agent context and computer name will be reported in either case as that is reported even by proxy agents.

Having <not reported> can be from other issues as well where the reports in FillDB are being rejected so check those logs.

The IBM License metric tool and Bigfix analysis are only applicable on 50% of the computers . The analysis do not run on 50% of the computers.

I copied the analysis and removed the below relevance script in the analysis and now I am able to see all the computer properties in the master action site (where I created the new analysis). All the agents are with agent type = “Native”
(if exists property “in proxy agent context” then ( not in proxy agent context ) else true)