I can’t claim the credit for this, this relevance came from my Console and was generated when I created an Automatic Group and configured it to include Computers with the Following Property: Active Directory Path (you have to scroll up to see it), CONTAINS, “AD-Test-Group”.
(exists true whose (if true then (exists (if exists value of settings “_BESClient_ActiveDirectoryPathOverride” of client then value of setting “_BESClient_ActiveDirectoryPathOverride” of client else if exists true whose (if true then exists distinguished name of local computer of active directory else false) then distinguished name of local computer of active directory else “”) whose (it as string as lowercase contains “AD-Test-Group” as lowercase)) else false))
This does work for OU’s I tested with success. Is it possible for this to work with a AD Security Group? I tried the revelance below and it does not work.
(version of client >= “”) AND (exists true whose (if true then (exists (if exists value of settings “_BESClient_ActiveDirectoryPathOverride” of client then value of setting “_BESClient_ActiveDirectoryPathOverride” of client else if exists true whose (if true then exists distinguished name of local computer of active directory else false) then distinguished name of local computer of active directory else “”) whose (it as string as lowercase contains “Test Security Groupr” as lowercase)) else false))
( (windows of it) of operating system) AND ( ((exists value whose(it as lowercase = “TEM-AD-Test-Group” as lowercase ) of components whose(type of it=“CN”) of distinguished names ((distinguished names of groups of it; distinguished names of it) of local computer of it))) of active directory)