Complete list of OS's and devices that support Bigfix Client?

Can anyone direct me to the complete list?

Currently, we have this documented by version.

For v10, please see
For v9.5, please see
For v9.2, please see

Is there a specific OS that you’re interested in?

If there’s an OS/device for which you’d like to see support, but is not included in the above, do please look to see if there’s existing interest for it, and if not, please create an Idea on our portal:

Hey Aram,

Thanks for the reply, I guess I’m more curious about a device than a specific OS.
F5 BIG-IP network devices, I suspect they aren’t supported.

While we can work with F5 BIG-IP network devices in a number of ways, we do not currently support managing F5 network devices using BigFix, no.

I’d be interested to understand what type of use cases are of interest here. And again, it may be worth creating an Idea for this :slight_smile:

What prompted this was the BIG-IP vuln that was disclosed over the weekend

I’m trying to detect what instances of BIG-IP exists across my Environment, but if you can’t install the client
on them, I’m not sure what else can be done.