I write a script batch/vb script to ad exceptions on proxy, when i test it on fixlet debugger it works fine, but when i deploy it through bigfix command is successful but no changes on clients, i tried reading the logs but it also appears to be successful. any idea on this?
Completed action script details do not necessarily relate to a successful change on the client. “Completed” really just means that the script ran. When deploying our scripts, most often we use the relevance clauses to determine whether or not the script actually succeeded. This isn’t
possible, depending on what the script does, however there are many relevance options to choose from.
As a
last resort
, we have added a line to the scripts to drop a file somewhere (like a bread crumb) that we could use for a relevance clause. An example would be similar to: not exists file “E:\IBM\Tivoli\ThisAwesomeScriptRAN.txt”. This is not the best approach, but in a pinch it can help.
Running the same exact script by hand on a test system should give you an idea if the script itself is actually executing what you expect. Also, the TEM agent runs under the system account from what I’ve seen, so I’m not sure if that would impact the result of your script.
R26KPA indicted, your problem may be with TEM running under the Local System context. If you are attempting to modify anything under the CurrentUser, it’s not going to behave as you expect.
There is the ability to RUN AS CURRENTUSER. Check the Windows Action Script documentation for more information.
It is also good practice when running a “run” or “wait” command to redirect any error output to a separate log file.
waithidden myFile.exe >> c:\action.log 2>&1
As you have seen, the Client does not capture the output of any command statement other than the error code. It will return “completed” if it can find the file and run it, not necessarily successfully.