(imported topic written by HVS5_Kenneth_Hockin)
I have created a fixlet that triggers a CMD file as the current user, the CMD just launches a word document on the user’s screen to tell them what steps to follow. When I try and run this, some machines come back saying the fixlet failed, and the LOG file gives the following message.
Command failed (Process creation failed) run “C:\Admin\Deploy\PC SAS SITE 572909_9302.0.20524.8057_X64_ML_1.1\POST_INSTALL_STEPS.cmd” (action:74719)
The file exists in that folder, so I am not sure what is going on. the fixlet code that I am running to do this is as follows
action uses wow64 redirection {not x64 of operating system}
// defines fixlet variables parameter “appname” = “PC SAS SITE 572909_9302.0.20524.8057_X64_ML_1.1”
parameter “baseFolder” = “C:\Admin\Deploy{parameter “appname”}”
parameter “UNINSTALL_DIR” = “C:\Admin\Apps_Uninstall”
parameter “logFolder” = “C:\Admin\APPS_LOGS{parameter “appname”}_TEM.log”
parameter “SUCCESS_REG” = “HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{{bcd538f9-31bf-4730-920a-066a6f7fb10d}”
// pops up a post installation document
override run
run “{parameter “baseFolder”}\POST_INSTALL_STEPS.cmd”
I’ve attached a copy of the log file as well as a screen capture of the fixlet