Command failed (Process creation failed)

(imported topic written by HVS5_Kenneth_Hockin)

I have created a fixlet that triggers a CMD file as the current user, the CMD just launches a word document on the user’s screen to tell them what steps to follow. When I try and run this, some machines come back saying the fixlet failed, and the LOG file gives the following message.

Command failed (Process creation failed) run “C:\Admin\Deploy\PC SAS SITE 572909_9302.0.20524.8057_X64_ML_1.1\POST_INSTALL_STEPS.cmd” (action:74719)

The file exists in that folder, so I am not sure what is going on. the fixlet code that I am running to do this is as follows

action uses wow64 redirection {not x64 of operating system}

// defines fixlet variables parameter “appname” = “PC SAS SITE 572909_9302.0.20524.8057_X64_ML_1.1”

parameter “baseFolder” = “C:\Admin\Deploy{parameter “appname”}”

parameter “UNINSTALL_DIR” = “C:\Admin\Apps_Uninstall”

parameter “logFolder” = “C:\Admin\APPS_LOGS{parameter “appname”}_TEM.log”


parameter “SUCCESS_REG” = “HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{{bcd538f9-31bf-4730-920a-066a6f7fb10d}”

// pops up a post installation document

override run



run “{parameter “baseFolder”}\POST_INSTALL_STEPS.cmd”

I’ve attached a copy of the log file as well as a screen capture of the fixlet

(imported comment written by Tim.Rice)

In your text you “RUN” a CMD file, in the screenshot, it’s a DOCX file.

have you tried running Word with the DOCX file as an argument?

(imported comment written by JasonWalker)

I thought there were certain configurations you had to set on the BES Client Service to allow the service to “Interact with the Desktop”. Check the BES Support Site for the fixlets for configuring this. Hopefully that’ll be helpful.