ClientUI - without offers

Is there a way to trigger the ClientUi/Dashboard without having to use Offers ?
I want to display results of retrieved properties using the _dashboard.html, which works but do not want to display the offers or progress tabs. In essence, I want to enable the dashboard to assist IT in troubleshooting issues without associating the dashboard to an action.
has anyone else done something similar ?

I have done something similar, but, instead of trying to use the client UI, I just used a web page or HTA that read a local file with the data required. The only process you need then is the one that maintains the information in the file.

thanks for the reply, however I want to use ‘relevance’ to interrogate an endpoint. im assuming your local data is static data unless youre using the client to continually write it out ?

On Windows there should be a TriggerClientUI.exe that will do exactly that and the UI will appear.

Alan this is what im calling however how do i remove the ‘offer’ and ‘progress’ tab ?
I want the dashboard summary only, but no actions and no action history.

You can’t remove them but you could specify to open to another tab but then if the ClientUI opens for its normal purpose it will do the same thing for the end user as well.


Type: String 
Version: 8.0 
Platform: All 
Requires Client Restart: YES 
Description: "Default: empty, decision left to UI default. If set to the non-localized name of a ClientUI Tab, causes the UI to open with that tab selected. Setting is case-sensitive. If no tab matches the provided name, UI uses its own default (currently the Offers tab)"
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I feel a feature enhancement request coming on …
Would be great if the tabs were configurable (disable/enable), and have the ClienUI work in standalone mode (not associated to an action)

as far as I know the only ones that can’t be disabled is the “Offers” tab. All others are enabled or able to be disabled.


Not sure if one of these or a related setting can be used to hide the “Offers” tab.

You can create a custom dashboard and have it open as the default tab, so that should satisfy this.

I have an example one here: bigfix-content/clientui/information at main · jgstew/bigfix-content · GitHub

_BESClient_ActionManager_InitialUITab should be set to Dashboard I believe for it to open there by default. See here:
