Clientsettings does not work on MAC

Hello, in my organization we have several hundred W10 computers with BigFix all working well.

We have just a few MACs and now we want to install BigFix on them.
When we install The BigFix client on them, we get an error (BADSERVERNAME…).

If I understand correctly, what happens is that for an unknow reason to me the BigFix client on the MACs do not use the relayservers and attempts to connect with the BigFix main server. The main BigFix server is not reachable so it returns the error.

I have tried some different things in the clientsettings.cfg. The last one is this:


Ping to IP1 and IP2 is OK.
http://IP1:52311/masthead/masthead.afxm => OK
http://IP2:52311/masthead/masthead.afxm => OK

My english isn’t very good, but I hope it is understandable.
I would be gratefull for any help. Thank you in advance.


Have you been rebooting the system between installation attempts using clientsettings.cfg per the note here:

Alternatively, have you considered trying the Client Deployment Tool?

Is your masthead using a DNS name for the BigFix server? Do your MAC’s have a DNS server defined? Can they resolve the DNS name from a command line?

Another option might be to leverage the ‘Last fallback Relay’ masthead option:

Once the masthead is updated, you’d have to replace the one being leveraged by the Client installer…

Hey have you resolved the issue ? We are facing the same issue. Can you share us the resolution of the same.

Thanks in advance
