Client Installers MSI Gone


I’m not sure if someone deleted them or what happened, but our client msi installer with the masthead info integrated is gone from C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Installers\ (that folder is empty now)

I was going to try using the BES Client MSI Editing Tool to remake the installers, but I don’t have a BigFix Client Microsoft Installer (BigFixAgent.msi) to use in the tool.!/wiki/Tivoli%20Endpoint%20Manager/page/BES%20Client%20MSI%20Editing%20Tool

I also tried copying the installation folders fixlet, changing the relevance clauses and re-running it, but it error out failing on the action script.

Does anyone know of a way to get my installers folder contents back?



You can download and run the Installation Generator on any Windows machine to re-create all the installers (including the Client MSI) from the download center. Please see the ‘Installation Generator’ section of the appropriate release from

That did the trick thanks Aram!

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