Trying to Install Cisco Secure Cilent on Linux Desktop

Hi All,

I am trying to push secure client to Linux Desktops. Download and extract part is working fine, but the install is not working.

install command keep running with exit code 0. But not installing

folder create “/home/IT”
wait chmod a+rwx “/home/IT”
folder create “/home/IT/VPN”
wait chmod a+rwx “/home/IT/VPN”
wait /bin/sh -c “tar -zxvf __Download/cisco-secure-client-linux64- -C /home/IT/VPN”
// Change shell script permissions to execute wait /bin/sh -c “(cd /home/IT/VPN/cisco-secure-client-linux64- && chmod +x”
// Run the script wait /bin/sh -c “(cd /home/IT/VPN/cisco-secure-client-linux64- && ./”

Last step shows keep on running, other steps work fine.

Once this is run, If I manually run it gets installed.

@mosesalex, does your Bash script need the FULL root environment? IF so, then you’re going to need to sudo your WAIT command as while the BESClient does run as root on NIX endpoints… it DOES NOT have full root environment when leveraging the wait, waithidden or run command in Action Script.

For example, I would change your wait command to the following:

wait sudo su - root -c “cd /home/IT/VPN/cisco-secure-client-linux64- && ./”

Hope this helps. @cmcannady


Thank You Casey, yes this is what worked.

createfile until end
cd “{parameter “baseFolder”}”

//**Begin Command Marker

cd /home/IT/VPN/cisco-secure-client-linux64-
su - root

//**End Command Marker


move __createfile

folder create “/home/Infor_IT”
wait chmod a+rwx “/home/Infor_IT”
folder create “/home/IT/VPN”
wait chmod a+rwx “/home/IT/VPN”
wait /bin/sh -c “tar -zxvf __Download/cisco-secure-client-linux64- -C /home/IT/VPN”
wait chmod a+rwx “/home/IT/VPN”

// You will not be able to stop or take action on an applicable BigFix Client until your installer completes.
// So ensure no user input is required.
wait chmod 555
override wait
wait ./

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