Reading over the way this checklist works, the checklist envelopes one database with a single name on a single node at a time. I’m not sure how IBM does their databases but we have multiple databases hosted on a single system. If we run the task to collect the statistics on one database, that’s the only database for that host that can be evaluated for compliance.
Does that mean that, to evaluate all databases we manage (5-10 per server over 17 servers), they will all need their own checklist?
Within the fixlets for this site there is an environmental task allows you to define the instance, db user and db password. By defining the instance in the task you should be able to pull data on all databases using that instance.
I looked at that task. The first thing it does is delete all previous results.
//delete Scripts, Logs and Results folder and create again
folder delete {((pathname of parent folder of parent folder of folder (pathname of client folder of current site)) & “/CIS/Scripts” )}
folder delete {((pathname of parent folder of parent folder of folder (pathname of client folder of current site)) & “/CIS/Results” )}
folder delete {((pathname of parent folder of parent folder of folder (pathname of client folder of current site)) & “/CIS/Logs” )}
folder create {((pathname of parent folder of parent folder of folder (pathname of client folder of current site)) & “/CIS/Scripts” )}
folder create {((pathname of parent folder of parent folder of folder (pathname of client folder of current site)) & “/CIS/Scripts/utils” )}
folder create {((pathname of parent folder of parent folder of folder (pathname of client folder of current site)) & “/CIS/Results” )}
folder create {((pathname of parent folder of parent folder of folder (pathname of client folder of current site)) & “/CIS/Logs” )}
Am I reading it wrong or does that dump all results collected?