CIS Deploy & Run Open-Action is hanging

Hey Folks,

I have an open-action that runs the CIS sites ‘Deploy & Run’ task, I use it to target all endpoints with a certain custom property. This action will retry on failure & on becoming relevant again, waits 7 days before reapplying itself.

This covers 99% of my endpoints as they are built & destroyed, I’m seeing an issue though that very rarely the action will hang on a machine. This stops it from being both reapplied straight away or 7 days after. The action also never expires so it’s just stuck in this hanging state. I can’t stop the action because then that will stop it from targeting new machines, and this happens enough times to make stopping/restarting the action not a viable solution.

Does that make sense?

Is there any action configuration that can help cover this scenario?


Yes, there is a workaround you can try, and I recommend these settings should always be in place for exactly the scenario you describe.
At check the descriptions for



I would set these globally to a large timeout value - longer than any successful action would need to run, like 2 days.

If a ‘wait’ command takes longer than this, it can automatically end the action, marking it as Failed with Timeout, and optionally kill the process that it spawned.

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Hey Jason,

Thanks, that might be just what I’m looking for, always appreciate your quick help!

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