Check to see if Windows update is on?

Can BigFix find out if Windows update is turned on and if so, can someone help med with the relevance for it? :slight_smile:

You can use below relevance :-

exist running service “Wuauserv”

Mukesh Gupta

Thats shows if the service is running. I was thinking about if the computer is installer undates itself.

Can BigFix tell me the information under Windows Update \change settings

Install udates automatically
Download updates but let med choose whenter ti install them
Check for updates but le me choose whether todownload
Never check for updates.

In that situation use below:-

(name of it starts with “Win7”) of operating system and (( if exists value “NoAutoUpdate” of it then value “NoAutoUpdate” of it as integer else 0) of key “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU” of registry) != 0

Mukesh Gupta

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