We are demoting a user from Admin to standard on WIN 7 system company wide (3K +devices). I need a way to determine if this the demotion works and the only way I can figure is to track the new admin user being created. I want to create an analyses to check this but have come up empty. Any help would be appreciated.
Is it the same user on each machine or a different user? How are you demoting them?
Generally you’d just use a fixlet like this…
Psuedo Relevance: user (admin user) is an administrator
Pseudo Action: Remove administrative rights
Because we are using a fixlet it will only show as completed if the user started as an administrator and at the end is not an administrator.
For tracking group membership I typically use this: https://bigfix.me/analysis/details/2998456
Yes same user on each machine, but possibly different passwords when adding the admin user (not sure about that part yet) .Sending an exe down as a software download as other things are happening at the same time.
I just need to be able to see that the new users is there. I’m still pretty new to BigFix and have not gotten all the kinks worked out yet.
I have asked for access to the analysis you linked to so maybe that will also lead me in the right direction.
To check what’s in the Administrator group on your computers, I use:
members of local groups whose (name of it = "Administrators")
Don’t know if you’re looking for this.
Thanks strawgate and steini44.
The analysis starwgate linked to and the relevance Steini44 worked for what I need.
Thanks for all the help