Carbon Copy not Working

I am trying to use Carbon Copy to review the posts to see if they are encrypted. The problem is that the posts copied to the ReportCopies folder are very sporadic. I have to wait a day for one to show up. I believe I have the setting correct otherwise I wouldn’t get anything.

Has anyone successfully used Carbon Copy lately?

Which end are you carbon copying? You can do it at the server or the client end.

Copies obviously only show up when there is a report to copy so how often are reports being generated?

I have the setting set on a remote relay with a couple hundred clients. Seems like I should be getting tons of reports.

Setting it on the endpoint that has a relay will only carbon copy the client on the relay machine, not the ones the relay is processing.

So CarbonCopyPath in HKLM\Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\GlobalOptions is for the client on the machine only.

The CarbonCopyPath in HKLM\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Server\PostResults is for the FillDB system only.

Which were you setting?

I am setting HKLM\Software\Bigfix\Enterprise Server\PostResults.
The path is: c:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Relay\FillDBData\ReportCopies

That should produce carbon copies of all reports on the root server

It doesn’t seem to work on a relay.

Correct, there is no FillDB service on a relay

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Ok, then it was never made to work on a relay. It seems like support was telling me that it does work on a relay. It is odd that I get the occasional post, and not from the local client.

It can work on the local client of a relay, but not the relay itself to my knowledge.