September 12, 2007, 11:08pm
(imported topic written by boostaz191)
The action has been run 1 time, and will not be run again.
The action failed.
Completed: download …com:52311/Uploads/284872ded6fa86de18d74166708826f5c816cbeb/big19.tmp
Completed: continue if { (size of it = 588 and sha1 of it = “284872ded6fa86de18d74166708826f5c816cbeb”) of file “big19.tmp” of folder “__Download”}
Completed: extract big19.tmp
Failed: move __Download\location.vbs “c:\helpdesk\location.vbs”
wait (pathname of windows folder) & “\system32\wscript.exe” c:\helpdesk\location.vbs
September 13, 2007, 12:17am
(imported comment written by jessewk)
I see 2 problems.
First, you probably need to delete the destination before you move location.vbs. The move command will fail if c:\helpdesk\location.vbs already exists.
delete "c:\helpdesk\location.vbs"
move __Download\location.vbs “c:\helpdesk\location.vbs”
Second, in an action script, when you want relevance evaluated you need to enclose it in curly braces.
wait “{(pathname of windows folder) & “\system32\wscript.exe”}” c:\helpdesk\location.vbs
Note, you can also change it to use ‘pathname of system folder’ and it will work on OSes where the system folder is not ‘system32’.