Bytes sent to each endpoint per action

Hi all,

Is there a way to know how much bytes and the percent that BigFix already sent to each endpoint in a action?

Thank you in advanced

I don’t know if I understand this, can you offer a use case?

Hi everbody, and sorry jgo for this short explanation.

A customer uses BigFix software distribution to send customized package to their ATMs. We “close” the BF network traffic between 06 AM and 10PM (BESClient_Download_LimitBytesPerSecond=1) to avoid concurrency between online transactions and downloading BF packets.

Some ATM can’t receive this packet so fast and those ATM have to wait the next “batch window”. This customer would like to know how much bytes to finish and the percentagem for this download, per ATM in pending download status.

Thank you

does the download sit in the local download cache folder while the pipe is closed?

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Yes. The download is in the dowload folder.
I’ve create a analysis to sum __Global\Download. (but it’s sum all downloading files, can be more than 1 file in the directory)

My dificult is to create a join in the webreports between BES Actions and this analysis, and get the size of a specific file.