Bulk Un-install Sophos

Hello, I am needing to uninstall sophos from over 500 workstations. Ive tried a few different things. 2 different batch files examples below

First .bat
"C:\Program Files\Sophos\Sophos Endpoint Agent\SophosUninstall.exe" --quiet.

Second .bat
"C:\Program Files\Sophos\Sophos Endpoint Agent\uninstallcli.exe" --quiet.

Ive just been pushing these to a test machine. The first one sits at “Running” status and doesnt change. Left it running over night and just still sits at “running” status.

The second one the status does go to “Completed” but doesnt actually uninstall anything. Sophos is still there.

Tamper protection is turned off on the test machine.

I also just tried pushing Sophos Zap and same as the first .bat it just sits at “Running”

Checked the logs on the target machine and it says “Report posted successfully”

Has anyone else been successful in a bulk Sophos removal?

I wrote a checklist on this very thing a couple days ago. See Tip: Troubleshooting ActionScript Command Lines (Windows) esp. the parts about wow64 redirection and running unattended

Thank you this did help. Ran it manually on the target machine. Got the pop up so I knew it wasnt doing it silently.

Looked back at the batch file and there was a period at the end of --quiet

And there was the cause lol. Deleted the period and it ran just fine lol.