Build a correct easy query in Session Relevance

Hi all.
If i build the follow query in session relevance show the correct answer

(name of it, value of results from (bes properties “RAM”) of it as string | “%22N/A%22”) of bes computers whose (name of it as string as lowercase contains “SA08422” as lowercase)

SA08422N141794P, 8064 MB
SA084220N31802P, 8064 MB

But, if i build a query like this don´t work

(name of it, value of results from (bes properties “Software CORPORATIVO instalado HKLM”) of it as string | “%22N/A%22”) of bes computers whose (name of it as string as lowercase contains “SA08422” as lowercase)

Error: Singular expression refers to non-unique object.

The “Software CORPORATIVO instalado HKLM” bes properties have multiple results.

I know you have the fix!!
Thanks in advance.

When you did RAM each device only had one result for that property so it worked. With your software property each device has multiple so you need your relevance to get plural: value of results from...

You also won’t need the | "N/A"


It´s Work!!!
Thanks you very very much.

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