I am fairly new to working with bigfix actionscript. I am trying to find the best way to handle blank parameters if someone doesn’t enter a value when prompted. I was thinking that if jmptag=BLANKINPUT then make jmptag=generictag but not sure the best way to handle it so the fixlet doesn’t fail to run. any suggestions?
action parameter query "jumpgroup" with description "Please specify the Bomgar Jump Group. Example: sp-fnce, cts-clientsupport"
action parameter query "jmptag" with description "Please specify the Bomgar Jump Tag (no spaces allowed in tag)"
wait "{pathname of system folder & "\msiexec.exe"}" /i "{(pathname of client folder of current site) & "\__Download\bomgar-scc-win64.msi"}" KEY_INFO=w0dc30z56x15e1wd7hh6eg77eex87ezz7y6hz8c40jc90 jc_jump_group=team:"{parameter "jumpgroup" of action}" jc_tag={parameter "jmptag" of action}
action parameter query "jumpgroup" with description "Please specify the Bomgar Jump Group. Example: sp-fnce, cts-clientsupport"
action parameter query "jmptag" with description "Please specify the Bomgar Jump Tag (no spaces allowed in tag)"
if {not exists value of parameter "jmptag" of action or value of parameter "jmptag" of action = ""}
parameter "jmptag"="generictag"
I haven’t tested it, but perhaps the following approach might work:
action parameter query "jumpgroup" with description "Please specify the Bomgar Jump Group. Example: sp-fnce, cts-clientsupport"
action parameter query "jmptag" with description "Please specify the Bomgar Jump Tag (no spaces allowed in tag)"
wait "{pathname of system folder & "\msiexec.exe"}" /i "{(pathname of client folder of current site) & "\__Download\bomgar-scc-win64.msi"}" KEY_INFO=w0dc30z56x15e1wd7hh6eg77eex87ezz7y6hz8c40jc90 jc_jump_group=team:"{parameter "jumpgroup" of action}" jc_tag={if (parameter "jmptag" of action) != "" then (parameter "jmptag" of action) else "generictag"}