BitLocker and Windows 8/8.1

(imported topic written by MOTadmin)

Was wondering if the BitLocker Labs content would ever be updated for Windows 8/8.1 ?

Currently all of the Candidate Analysis properties and the BitLocker Tasks are based around WinVista/Win7/Win2008/Win2008R2

I know I can just copy the content and modify it myself but that would not work for the Summary dashboard.

I’d like to make that change, but I’m a little worried that some of the content might not work on Win8 or Win2012. Can you test copies to confirm the analyses and tasks work as expected on Win8/8.1 and Win2012? If it works, then @dexdexdex can probably help get this updated.

Yup, definitely poke me if everything seems to work as expected with that relevance tweak.