I’m not currently handling encrypting the BIOS password, but I released 300+ BIOS update tasks here: https://github.com/jgstew/bigfix-content/tree/master/fixlet/BIOS/Dell
These have NOT been tested except for on the 1 model I happen to have, and even then, not all cases. Please test them out carefully and provide me feedback on if they work, if they don’t, and any suggestions for improvement.
You can follow along my process of doing this here: https://github.com/jgstew/bigfix-content/issues/7
I used this python script:
- not my prettiest work, and could use some future refinement, but it works. There are a few edge cases I need to resolve that prevents me from generating the tasks for about 18 models.
I used this template:
These also make use of: