BigFix10 - ILMT 9.2.24


I have new installation running BigFix10 and ILMT 9.2.24 using MSSQL.

I see that the virusscanner react on a file called Master-journal located under the following folder :

C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\BESReportsData<hostname>\PropertyResults\Master-journal

I’m not able to find this spesific file on any other installations, only files called Master and Computers.
Would be great if anyone has any information related to this file.

Thanks in advance

The file you mention is the SQL Lite file for Web Reports if I’m not mistaken

I’m not sure why the scanner would pick up on it being an issue however you might want to follow the guidance on exclusions for AV when using BigFix

On the BigFix Server
The following folder and sub folder paths should be excluded:

%DRIVE%:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server*

Note that your BF Web Reports Instance might be on another server but the rule still applies.

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Thanks fo your feedback. Much appreciated :slight_smile:
