BigFix WebUI MIssing Content

Hello All,

Thought I would share some valuable insight regarding WebUI and missing content such as custom content and BigFix Query. We attempted complete uninstalls and reinstalls as well as manual cleanup post uninstall, but nothing would remedy the missing content. After much interaction with support we were finally able to make headway by performing the following steps below. This went on for a good 1 -2 months trying to work through the issue so it seemed appropriate to have a place of reference for how to correct.

Step zero: Stop the WebUI service.

First, confirm that they’re on WebUI beta sites. You can confirm this by checking out their BES Server directory to see if there’s a mastheads directory and if it has WebUI mastheads inside of it… (typical location is here: C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\mastheads)

  1. If you find this mastheads directory, kill the directory

Next, just wipe out everything that’s in the WebUI sites directory (except for pending). Default location of WebUI sites directory is here: C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES WebUI\WebUI\sites.

  1. Delete stuff in C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES WebUI\Mirror
  2. Delete C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES WebUI\WebUICommonState.db
  3. Delete everything in dbo.WEBUI_SITES except for the entry for WebUI Common (not WebUI Common Beta or anything).
  4. Restart both the root server service and the WebUI service

Afterwards you should see stuff that the customer is entitled to get posted. So hopefully at this point you see BigFix Content and BigFix Query in dbo.WEBUI_SITES (try select * from dbo.WEBUI_SITES shortly after restarting BES Server service and BES WebUI Service)

After you successfully see more than just WebUI Common in dbo.WEBUI_SITES, wait for a while for things to gather. (you’ll start seeing content in C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES WebUI\WebUI\sites)