BigFix WebUI Installation failed


When trying to install webUI on 9.5.5 the status return failed.
Please see log below:

Current Date: October 20, 2017
   Client version built for WINVER 6.0 i386 running on WINVER 6.3.9600 x86_64
   Current Balance Settings: Use CPU: True Entitlement: 0 WorkIdle: 10 SleepIdle: 480
   ICU 54.1 init status: SUCCESS
   Agent internal character set: UTF-8
   ICU report character set: UTF-8 - Transcoding Disabled
   ICU fxf character set: windows-1252 (Latin 1 / Western European) - Transcoding Enabled
   ICU local character set: windows-1252 (Latin 1 / Western European) - Transcoding Enabled
At 10:40:14 +0400 - 
   GatherHashMV command received.
At 10:40:15 +0400 - mailboxsite (http://DCBIGFIX.afrasiabank.local:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/mailboxsite10002767)
   Downloaded '' as 'Action 49.fxf'
   Gather::SyncSiteByFile adding files - count: 1
At 10:40:16 +0400 - 
   Successful Synchronization with site 'mailboxsite' (version 7) - 'http://DCBIGFIX.afrasiabank.local:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/mailboxsite10002767'
   Processing action site.
At 10:40:17 +0400 - 
   DownloadPing command received (ID=49)
At 10:40:20 +0400 - mailboxsite (http://DCBIGFIX.afrasiabank.local:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/mailboxsite10002767)
   Relevant - Install IBM BigFix WebUI Service (Version 9.5.6) (fixlet:49)
At 10:40:28 +0400 - 
   Report posted successfully
At 10:40:31 +0400 - 
   ActionLogMessage: (action:49) Action signature verified for Downloads
At 10:40:41 +0400 - 
   ActionLogMessage: (action:49) Non-Distributed - DownloadsAvailable
   ActionLogMessage: (action:49) Action signature verified for Execution
   ActionLogMessage: (action:49) starting action
At 10:40:41 +0400 - actionsite (http://DCBIGFIX.afrasiabank.local:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)
   Command succeeded parameter (action:49)
   Command succeeded parameter (action:49)
   Command succeeded (evaluated false) continue if (action:49)
At 10:40:41 +0400 - 
   ActionLogMessage: (action:49) ending action
At 10:40:41 +0400 - mailboxsite (http://DCBIGFIX.afrasiabank.local:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/mailboxsite10002767)
   Not Relevant - Install IBM BigFix WebUI Service (Version 9.5.6) (fixlet:49)
At 10:42:12 +0400 - 
   Report posted successfully
At 10:52:52 +0400 - 
   Successful Synchronization with site 'Detect' (version 11) - ''
At 10:57:08 +0400 - 
   DownloadPing command received (ID=50)
At 10:57:54 +0400 - 
   Successful Synchronization with site 'CustomSite_DetectCustomeSite' (version 53) - 'http://DCBIGFIX.afrasiabank.local:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/CustomSite_DetectCustomeSite'
At 11:02:32 +0400 - 
   Report posted successfully
At 11:10:35 +0400 - 
   Client shutdown (Service manager shutdown request)

It’s best if you can put log lines in a preformatted text block, so it can be separately scrollable and doesn’t make the post really long. I’ve made that change and removed a lot of extra log lines that don’t apply.

This is where your install action is failing, which means a ‘continue if’ stmt did not pass. The corresponding ‘continue if’ stmt in the action is (which would be visible in the detailed action status in the console):

continue if{(parameter "webuiHttpsPortAvailable" != "True") and (parameter "webuiHttpPortAvailable" != "True")}

So it means one or both of the ports you specified to use for the WebUI are not available. If Web Reports is already installed on this box, then it is likely already using port 80 (and maybe 443), or some other application may be using the ports. You need to change Web Reports or other app to use different ports, or specify different ports to be used by WebUI.


I didn’t reply earlier. But changing the ports indeed helped.


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