Bigfix Webreports page not loading Properly

Hello Everyone,

I facing issues related to the bigfix web reports where the web reports page is not loading with complete css style and other required functionalities.

Bigfix version :

Do any one facing the same issue’s.

A particular page or report? Can you post a screenshot?

This is how the page looks when we login.

Have you tried any other browsers besides IE? It suggests that .css and other support files are missing on the filesystem, but we should confirm that IE security settings are blocking them from loading.

yes steve, i have tried in chrome and firefox as well, the issue is same, the page is not loading completly, where as other sites are loading fine.

You may need to open a PMR, but you can try uninstalling and re-installing the server/Web Reports. It seems you are missing files from …\BES Server\BESReportsServer\wwwroot where the css, images, JavaScript, and SharedResources folders should exist and contain the files you need to render the UI properly.

I’m having a similar-ish problem with web reports. Are web reports removable from the add/remove programs or via other means? I ask because I’m not sure if it was set up correctly when we initially setup our bigfix server. When I’ve tried to pull up the webreports via https://servername:443 or :8083/webreports, it hasn’t been pulling up at all.

did you change “compatibility view setting” on explorer ? plz check it.