I’m not able to say, I think it would be good to open a support case for this issue as troubleshooting will likely require logs and other diagnostics elements.
fixed by setting a system variable in windows called http_proxy and https_proxy and then setting them with my webproxy URL. After a reboot, the azure plugin was able to import VM guests.
In the Azure case, the previously mentioned role is not enough, the service principal must be assigned the built-in “Reader” role. We updated the requirement in the “Installing cloud plugins” documentation page accordingly.
Can you please share the screen shots how it set, I am also facing same problem & already tried setting up system variables for http_proxy & https_proxy but no luck.
I know longer have this deployed so I can’t provide a screenshot. But for me I went into Windows environment settings and created to system variables http_proxy and https_proxy Then after a reboot the azure cloud plugin worked.
OK, how you put the value in it, like URL https:\x.x.x.x:8080 or just IP
I tried in both ways but not still not working for us.
i think the variable value was just “<proxy_fqdn:port>”